1 dedicated, expert and passionate advisor

More than 10 years of experience
Benjamin Vialle

IndividualTTC / month35 €

  • Exclusively for stations sold by ReadyForTrading.
  • Monthly subscription with no commitment*
  • 1 visit to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits**
  • 1 remote intervention per month***
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - analysis and advice on the security of your trading station
    - optimisation of display and performance
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training
    - advice on backing up your data
Add to basket

* cancel from one month to the next in one click, without notice
** 10% discount on the rate for each home service. A maximum of one home visit at a reduced price is offered per four-month period. Any on-site intervention may not exceed 4 hours at your home
*** remote intervention may not exceed 30 minutes


ParticulierTTC / year348 €

  • Exclusively for stations sold by ReadyForTrading
  • Annual subscription*
  • 3 visits to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits**
  • 1 remote intervention per month***
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - analysis and advice on the security of your trading station
    - optimisation of display and performance
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training
    - advice on backing up your data
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* subscription for one year
** 10% discount on the price of each home visit. A maximum of one home visit at a reduced price is offered per four-month period. Any on-site intervention may not exceed 4 hours at your home
*** remote intervention may not exceed 30 minutes


Small companyHT / month375 €

  • Monthly subscription without commitment*
  • < to 10 workstations**
  • 4 visits to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits***
  • Remote intervention on request up to 5 times a month****
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - IT security analysis and advice
    - display and performance optimisation
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training if the hardware has been purchased from ReadyForTrading
    - advice on backing up your data
    - ProRealTime training
    - networking
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Large companyHT / month800 €

  • Monthly subscription without commitment*
  • Between 10 and 30 workstations**
  • 8 visits to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits***
  • Remote intervention on request up to 5 times a month****
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - IT security analysis and advice
    - display and performance optimisation
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training if the hardware has been purchased from ReadyForTrading
    - advice on backing up your data
    - ProRealTime training
    - networking
Add to basket

* cancel from one month to the next with one click, without notice
** maximum number of extensions taken into service for this subscription
*** 10% discount on the rate for each home service. A maximum of one home service at a reduced price is offered per four-month period. Any on-site intervention may not exceed 4 hours at your premises
**** remote intervention may not exceed 30 minutes

Small companyHT / year4 000 €

  • Annual subscription*
  • < to 10 workstations**
  • 6 visits to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits***
  • Remote intervention on request up to 5 times a month****
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - IT security analysis and advice
    - display and performance optimisation
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training if the hardware has been purchased from ReadyForTrading
    - advice on backing up your data
    - ProRealTime training
    - networking
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Large companyHT / year9 100 €

  • Annual subscription*
  • Between 10 and 30 workstations**
  • 10 visits to your home per year at a reduced price for home visits***
  • Remote intervention on request up to 5 times a month****
  • Advice and help
  • Examples of our work:
    - IT security analysis and advice
    - display and performance optimisation
    - software updates
    - pre-configured software training if the hardware has been purchased from ReadyForTrading
    - advice on backing up your data
    - ProRealTime training
    - networking
Add to basket

* subscription for one year
** maximum number of workstations taken into service for this subscription
*** 10% discount on the rate for each home intervention. A maximum of one home service at a reduced price is offered per four-month period. Any on-site intervention may not exceed 4 hours at your premises
**** remote intervention may not exceed 30 minutes

Votre avis compte

Vos besoins, notre priorité

Vidéos témoignages, photos, écrits...

Installation à domicile

7 jours / 7, week-end compris

Notre but après notre départ : que vous n’ayez plus qu’à trader !

4 écrans

station de trading 4 écrans silver

6 écrans

station de trading 6 écrans silver

8 écrans

station de trading 8 écrans silver

Station nomade

station de trading nomade
Des questions ? Contactez-nous au +33 (0) 9 81 44 79 50